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Just today I went to the shops, (super exciting I know, but stay with me, I have a point, I promise!) I had a very specific list of the few items I needed to finish dinner that night. Now I know that I am easily distracted in a shopping center – so I made sure I went straight to the aisle I needed things from and left… but this is where the supermarkets get clever… you wait in a line surrounded by quick, cheap buys – everything from magazines to lollies – all cheap, hardly ever something you actually “need” but what happens? They end up in your shopping trolley. You don’t have to have a giant supermarket to take advantage of this phenomenon – and it is a phenomenon, it has been widely studied.. it isn’t just me! Here are a few ideas:

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  1. With an online store, make sure you have a “Bestsellers” or “Other people who bought this, bought” section to showcase other products. 
  2.  Add in a page between the cart and final check out to showcase cheaper add on products
  3. Have an auto-responder campaign to send out product recommendations based on previous purchases – have at least one cheaper product and one upsell (more expensive) product – or send out flyers with the product when shipped
  4. Place smaller products on counters if you have a physical store

When you start implementing these tactics, you start to make more sales because when people have already decided to purchase, adding one more product to their shopping cart isn’t a hard choice to make.

Dahna Borg

Author Dahna Borg

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