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A lot of people have a fear of their marketing being “salesy” and they don’t want to appear like the used car salesman.

Everyone wants to know who to market their business without being “salesy” and I get this question a lot, and to be honest – I can answer it in two words, ‘add value’. But I’ll explain further – otherwise, that would be one short article!

When you provide a lot of value, you will never come across as “salesy”. 

Let me repeat that,

“When you provide a lot of value, you will never come across as salesy” 

People will practically beg to work with you and buy your product. So how do you actually do this? 

Firstly, stop focusing on yourself, on what you want, and what you sell – and start thinking of your customer. Really, it should be all that you think about. Why are they coming to you, why do they need your product, what problem do you solve?

Honestly, if you could spend an entire afternoon and just write down all of the emotions, pains, desires that your customer encounters before deciding to work with you – you’ll be miles ahead of your competition. Bonus points if you actually do the research and hear the answers from your clients (check out our article on the research here) 

Focus entirely on those words, feelings, and problems, solve them, not just half-heartedly – actually solve those problems, and you will avoid the “salesy” feeling.

You simply cannot be salesy when you’re giving so much away for free!

Now I know a lot of you will be sitting here reading this saying, but I can’t give away my best stuff for free.

Yes, you can.

In fact the more you do, the bigger your business will grow. 

Let me explain, who would you rather work with, someone you know can help you (because they already have), or someone who “claims” they can help you?

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When you give your best stuff for free you build trust and you build up your expertise. But the reason this works is, even when you write the most detailed post, create the most comprehensive guide, or give hours of coaching and support – they will never know everything you know. And that ‘everything’ makes all the difference.

You end up showing them that your work is valuable, they start to see results, they have a quick win, and now they trust you and now they want to work with you.

You may be asking “Well that sounds great if you’re a coach, but what about me, I sell a physical product?”

Although the content becomes slightly different, the process is the same. Focus on providing value, if you’re a clothing/beauty/homewares type company – showcase inspiration, share styling tips, and general life advice. The goal here is to become their best friend and the person they come to when they have a fashion/beauty/home question. 

You won’t even have to say “buy now” and people will be wanting to know where they can get the piece showcased.

In saying that, add in a buy now button.

You are a business, and when you provide enough value adding a buy now button is an extra service, you’re stopping people from wasting their time hunting and I promise it won’t come across salesy. 

If you are still struggling and don’t know how you can apply this to your business? Book in a complimentary strategy session with me and we will figure it out for you! 

help me

Dahna Borg

Author Dahna Borg

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