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Of all the social media platforms that come and go, Facebook Advertising continues to rule them all. Now more than ever, businesses big and small are using Facebook for the following effective reasons: Facebook Ads

  • target previous customers, website visitors, and specific demographics
  • increase your touchpoints with your audience
  • boost brand awareness, and
  • generate leads and sales

We’ve laid out all the essentials with the Top 5 Facebook Advertising Fundamentals to see you reach Facebook Ad success.

Have An Objective

The #1 place to start with any form of advertising – and this definitely includes Facebook – is to have a goal in mind. Ask yourself: What do you want your ads to do?

Do you want more

  • Followers (awareness)
  • Engagement (consideration), or
  • Sales (conversions)

Facebook’s different marketing objectives lead to different goals. For more people to click through to your website, run a traffic campaign. To generate sales, run a conversion campaign.

A clear goal in mind will help with your ads’ success.

Target Your Audience

Everyone lives on Facebook. Everyone.

These are the stats:

  • 1.55 billion people log onto Facebook every month
  • 1.39 billion visit by mobile
  • The average user can spend up to 40 minutes sharing and liking content per day
  • Facebook users Like more than 4 million posts, posting comments, status updates and photos every minute

The people you haven’t reached are your future customers and audience. Facebook Advertising will help you reach the right audience, so do all that you can to connect with them. Understand your audience and market and what they want.

In our blog  Why Advertise On Facebook we pointed out if you know the profile of your ideal customer and audience, Facebook can target them through behaviour, interests, demographics, connections and age ranges.

Lookalike Audiences take this to the next level by targeting through recent purchase behaviour and life-events using

  • custom audiences to develop leads and build loyalty and
  • your database to create audiences like your own current targets.

Ally this with your Facebook Pixel, and you can also apply behavioural and demographic filters to your audience to target people

  • interested in your product through behavioural and interest targeting
  • recently checked out your brand through retargeting, or
  • can afford to buy your products through demographic targeting

Facebook’s targeting capabilities continue to astonish – it’s no wonder Facebook ads are so popular and effective.

Your Offer

You can successfully get through all the above points, but at the end of the day your audience will only respond to an attractive offer.

This means

  • Using eye-catching images – just make sure the image contains less than 20% text
    Our blog The Do’s & Don’ts Of Images In Ads shows you how to bust the 20% Facebook Ad Rule.
    Facebook’s Text Overlay link will 100% confirm you’re within the 20% Rule.
  • Great catchy and concise content
    Make sure to use an attention grabbing hookline headline, a tagline and call to action
  • Find the right message, then repeat to reinforce.
  • Standing out
    People are bombarded with thousands of brand messages every day so you have to make sure you stand out with emotionally-compelling reasons and benefits of your product for your customers.

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  • Don’t sound like an ad
    Use storytelling to engage audiences, leave lasting impressions and evoke emotional responses.
  • People feel first and think second
    Ads that generate an emotional response are more likely to generate sales
  • Add Value
    Don’t lower your prices and devalue your brand or product. Instead, package it so the customer thinks they’re getting a bargain.
  • Don’t bombard your audience
    Sadly, there is such a thing as too much advertising. Be discreet with how frequently your ad shows
  • You can also use the trends and preferences of your target market and use these in the elements of your ads.

The Ultimate Facebook Ad Test

When we’re creating our ad campaigns, we can be so caught up in creating the ad, we fail to check whether it is effective with a crowded newsfeed and a memorable ad. Just as we’re hitting Publish on our ad, The Ultimate Facebook Ad Test will show us if the campaign should work by answering these questions:

  • Would you stop and read it?
  • Does it make you want to take action?

The Ultimate Facebook Ad Test is the final nail in the coffin – and the simplest way – to do a double-check that your ad has enough ‘punch’ to get noticed.

The Art Of The Split Test

While The Ultimate Facebook Ad Test is a double check our ads are memorable, Split Testing allows our ad to reach its pinnacle of perfection.

Split Testing is one of the core elements of marketing. Essentially, this is comparing Version A Ad with Version B Ad – two variations of ad copy with two different graphics and two different landing pages. You can leverage split testing to single out the most effective elements for the one optimal ad.


Our blog The Art Of The Split Test outlines all the details, methods, and approach to making the split test work for you. You can split-test a number of factors in an ad:

  • A headline
  • The call to action
  • A colour (whether the colour of the text, a button, a border, or another highlight element)
  • An image, and even
  • Your audience

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Dahna Borg

Author Dahna Borg

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