You’ve heard that ads can generate loads of sales for eCommerce...

But the thought of doing them yourself gets you totally overwhelmed and you wonder if your budgets are too small to see success?

Maybe you’ve dabbled with boosted posts, and wondered where all your money went, or you’ve played in the ads manager to see barely any results, or hired some big agency who promised the world to only deliver crickets – it’s no wonder you question whether Facebook ads can even work for you.

They make it look so easy to set up, but there is so much they don’t tell you, strategies you need to employ, tactics you need to know, and algorithms working behind the scenes – it’s no surprise you aren’t getting the results you want – it’s not your fault or that no one wants your product.

It can be hard to work out where to start to get the results you want.

Afterall, you want to grow your business… not Zuckerbergs!

Let me introduce myself...

Dahna Borg


I’ve worked with hundreds of businesses, and I’ve learnt a lot about what makes Facebook ads work, and what makes them not work for small businesses with small budgets. And I’ve heard plenty of horror stories over my years…

Whether it was the man who had spent $10,000 boosting posts and had no idea he’d spent that much, or the lady who spent $2000 to run a $5 a day ad to a link that didn’t even work. The problem with smaller budgets is it’s hard to get help that’s worth it for the amount your spending. These stories have been bothering me for a long time, and I decided it was time to do something about it.

Who am I? I’m Dahna – I’m a Facebook (and Instagram) ad specialist who’s spent millions of dollars on these platforms for a huge range of eCommerce businesses, generating many more millions in sales and profit. I’ve worked on $5 a day budgets to $2000 a day to help businesses like yours grow and provide you the freedom from your business you’ve dreamed of.

I’ve spent the last 12 years (nearly 13!) building a boutique agency specialising in helping businesses around the world, but I’ve realised there are so many business who don’t have enough a big enough budget to be working with me, I wanted to make ads accessible to more businesses in a way that taught strategies for those businesses, and that’s why I’ve created my very first course…

Introducing Small Budgets, Big Results

Small Budgets, Big Results is a choose your own adventure style framework that will take you from struggling to get your brand in front of the right people to feeling confident running Facebook + Instagram ads so you can drive more sales and grow your business faster.

Small Budgets, Big Results is based on a unique approach to Facebook and Instagram ads...

  • One that gives you the control to do what’s best for you and your business
  • While giving the the most up to date tools and strategies for small budgets
  • With a framework that’ll grow with you
  • The knowledge to read the data and make informed decisions so you can make more money and reach better customers, faster
  • And the strategies to grow and scale from $5 a day to $50+

If running successful ads on a small budget seems far fetched, let me tell you a story about a client of mine...

They ran a boutique wholefoods store and wanted to drive more sales to their brand new site, but didn’t have a big budget, so we came in to help. They had $10 a day to spend, but the same strategy would work on just $5 a day!

We set up a simple campaign I like to call “Popular Organic” you’ll learn all about this in the course.

This strategy can take time, but it’s satisfying - all of a sudden you’ll see more traffic on your site, more add to carts and eventually sales. You’ll see what content is working best for you which helps you make better organic content and it’s a win all round.

After a little while of running this campaign we were getting a positive return on ad spend (ROAS), and even managed to spend $70 and make $1,116 in just one week - this worked out to be over a 15x ROAS!

When you join Small Budgets, Big Results you get:

Choose Your Own Adventure Framework

A choose your own adventure framework with access to bitesized lessons so that you can refer back easily to that one part you’re struggling with when you need to so you can get results faster. You could have your first ads up within the week! And you’ll get lifetime* access so you can refer to it as you need. 

All Course Modules

You’ll get access to a library of modules covering everything from the foundations of ad set up and marketing, to picking the right structure, setting up the ad types, how to read the data, and how to scale so you can go from $5 a day spends to $50 a day and driving more traffic and sales without having to do additional courses as you scale.

Access To Facebook Group

Lifetime* access to our Facebook group so you can ask your questions, get feedback on ads, and get help when you get stuck so you can be profitable, sooner


We have absolute confidence and trust in their ability to market appropriately & successfully, whilst knowing they carefully scrutinise the performance of our ads to give us the best value for money possible.

HELEN BARKLAEarlwood Equine

The Breakdown

The Techy Bits

Facebook can be pretty techy, so we walk you through ALL the foundational pieces to make sure your ads are set up properly from the start. You can have your first ad running within the week, or you can take your time if you’d prefer!

Basics and Foundations

Whether you’re spending $5 a day or $50 – this course has everything you need to run successful ads on a small budget.

Choose Your Own Adventure

The course is built with a choose-your-own-adventure framework so you can create what works best for you and your business. This style allows you the flexibility to adapt but the framework to know you’re on the right track.

Ad Types + Set Up

Now that you have an ad that’s working, what next? We’ll teach you how to read the data, make better decisions and scale your ads so you can grow your business!

Let's Grow

Your ads are starting to work, now what? This module will teach you how to expand your budget and grow your traffic and sales numbers through a number of customisable strategies.

Monitoring and Optimising

You have your first round of ads running, now what? This section will teach you how to evaluate what’s working, or why it’s not and show you what to do next. You’ll learn the strategies to review and learn how to read the data you’re given to make the best decisions for your business.

What's Next?

You’ve maxed out your ad budget for what we teach in this course and you’re getting great results, then what? You can either keep scaling using similar strategies, upskill or look at hiring. If you decide to hire we’ve got some great tips and tricks to make sure you partner with the right person!

Purchase Before X Date And You'll Also Receive...

Ad Swipe File

Stuck for inspiration, you’ll get our ad swipe file, this is our reference point for inspiration when we are stuck. Perfect if you think you’ll struggle with coming up with ideas for ads.

1 on 1 Strategy Session

While the course covers everything you need, sometimes its good to have a second set of eyes to make sure you’re on track, and haven’t missed anything that could be making you more money. This bonus gives you a one hour session with me!

Ad Roadmaps

While the Choose Your Own Adventure framework gives you flexibility, some of you may prefer to have a specific plan – this is that plan. It’ll give you ad maps for a dozen possibilities so you can think less and execute faster!

Conversion Checklist

Facebook ads can only drive people to your website, they can’t make them buy. This conversion rate checklist will help you improve your on site stats so you can make more money with the traffic you’re sending.

Cheat Sheet to increase AOV

Average Order Value is one of the most important metrics, I’ll share my favourite tips to increase this, because who doens’t want to make more money from the one customer.

Pricing and Payment Plan Options

One Time Payment


Includes GST for Australian customers

  • Choose your own adventure modules
  • 59 micro lessons
  • Facebook Group for support
  • $49 Support calls (usually $250 an hour)*


Payment Plan

$220 x 3

Includes GST for Australian customers

  • Choose your own adventure modules
  • 59 micro lessons
  • Facebook Group for support
  • $49 Support calls (usually $250 an hour)*


Another great example of small budgets getting big results was for a jewellery client of ours...

They’d set up their own retargeting ad but it just wasn’t performing, we came in, implemented a new strategy and set it up properly, adjusted the ad copy and had a whopping increase resulting in a 36x Return on Ad Spend - so for every dollar they put in they were getting $36 back. I can’t promise you’ll get 36x returns, they don’t come around often, but I can show you the exact strategy we used, and how to set them up to get you the best possible returns for your business.

Small Budgets, Big Results IS NOT for you if:

You don’t have an eCommerce website

While there are a lot of similarities to how to run ads for services, and instore products, this course is designed for eCommerce stores with physical products (some digital products may work, but best to ask first!). I would hate for you to purchase something that isn’t a good fit.

You don’t have patience and a willing to try attitude

Facebook and Instagram ads take time and patience, if you don’t have these things you’re going to struggle with this course. You don’t need to be Ghandi and have the most patience in the world, but you have to be willing to trust the process and give it the time it deserves. 

You’re down to your last dollars

This course is designed for small budgets, yes, and I mean that – you truly can run successful ads on $5 a day, but it’s not magic. I don’t want you spending your last dollars on ads. Ad successes comes from a place of growth and opportunity, not scarcity. You need to be prepared to be running ads for a good few months to see the big results.

You sell B2B

This course is only focused on selling to consumers not business to business. You could take the course and it may help, but I am unable to help with any B2B specific questions as it’s not our specialty. 

If you sell to wholesalers and consumers the course will work perfectly for you, there just are no ad strategies to gain wholesalers included in the course. 

Small Budgets, Big Results IS the perfect for you even if:

You only have a small budget (small is anything from $5-50 a day)

The whole point of SBBR is to help businesses like yours, run ads successfully (and profitably) on small budgets,

you’ll learn the best strategies and campaign types for small budgets and what to do once you outgrow those.

You find the ads manager confusing

We go through everything, all the ad set ups, and all the techy bits come with video tutorials. you can pause and go along with as you go, so if you can watch a video, and use Facebook you’ll be able to find your way around. And with practise comes confidence!

You’re running ads on your own already

Have you heard the saying, you don’t know what you don’t know? Unless you’re getting 4+ ROAS on your current ads, you’ll learn plenty in SBBR. From how to scale, different ad types you probably didn’t even know existed, to testing strategies to keep your ads improving and growing.

You’ve been through a number of agencies, and not had results

The challenge with smaller budgets is they require a different strategy, and unfortunately a lot of agencies, will take your money and hope the bigger strategies work. But when you take into consideration their fees and your small budget it’s almost impossible to make a profit. Learning how to do it yourself, how to read the data, and creating ads that are totally on brand, might take a bit of time but you’ll end up with better potential customers and more dollars in your pocket

What if I want to outsource, I’m just waiting till I have a bigger budget.

I highly recommend you need to know what you’re doing before hiring. While there are some good agencies out there, there are a lot more dodgy ones, if you have a basic understanding and some good ads under your belt you’ll have a much better result when you do outsource. 

I’ve never touched Facebook ads before

Perfect, we go through absolutely everything you can need – you’ll probably be in a better position as you won’t have any bad habits to try and break. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I really see results on just $5 a day?

Perfect, it’s exactly what this course was designed for. Whether you have $5 a day or $50, it’ll teach you the strategies and techniques to grow and scale your business, and the course will grow with you!

I'm not great at writing copy, can I still run ads?

Can I tell you a secret? Most people aren’t… one of the best things about Facebook and Instagram ads is you don’t have to be. I’ll share templates to guide you on writing copy as well as show you my favourite trick to never running out of copy ideas

WHAT IF I Am running ads already?

If you’re here looking at this course, it likely means you’re not happy with those ads and how they’re performing in which case it’ll definitely help.

This will teach you the strategies you need to see what’s working, what’s not and how to fix, as well as introduce you to new strategies and scaling techniques you may not have considered.

What if I'm not tech savvy?

If you’re tech savvy enough to run a business and use Facebook, you’re tech savvy enough to run Facebook and Instagram ads. We go through everything step-by-step with video and often written instructions. And each section is broken down into micro-modules so you don’t have to watch through 20 minutes of video to find the one part you’re looking for…

Do I need professional photos to see success?

Imagery is really important to Facebook ads, so if you have NO imagery, it won’t work for you. However, User Generated Content is all the rage at the moment, and often getting better results than the professional photos. So as long as you have a camera and a good(ish) eye, or a friend or family member who does, and the time to commit to taking good photos you’ll be fine. Realistically, you can’t run an eCommerce store without good imagery, let alone Facebook ads – so if you have enough images to have a website and socials you will have enough!

I don't have a lot of spare time, will I be able to finish the course?

I’ve designed the course to be perfect for the busy business owner, most sections are only a few minutes long – you can do a section with your morning coffee (or in my case tea or hot chocolate) and then go about your business.

What if I’ve worked with an agency and it’s not worked

Smaller budgets need more finesse, patience, and flexibility than most agencies can give you. If it was a big agency, you were also likely passed off to the interns. Running your own ads gives you the control, and more importatnly the knowledge to spot issues with your website that you’d never know about otherwise. If your ads aren’t working, this course will help you understand why and how to fix it. Bet your agency didn’t do that for you, did they?

What if I sell a low cost high volume?

Low cost high volume can still work if you know the lifetime value of a customer. The average cost per purchase is around $20-30 so if you margins aren’t allowing for you to be profitable for you, you might lose money on the front end, however, if you have a lot of repeat purchases you can still be profitable! It comes down to are you profitable overall, rather than am I profitable on this particular sale on Facebook.

What if I sell high ticket?

It’s sometimes easier to have success with selling high ticket products, as long as your product is good. You usually have excellent margins and less competition, as long as your site converts well and it’s easy enough to find your ideal customer this will be perfect for you.

What if I’m already running ads?

If you’re here looking at this course, it likely means you’re not happy with those ads and how they’re performing in which case it’ll definitely help.

This will teach you the strategies you need to see what’s working, what’s not and how to fix, as well as introduce you to new strategies and scaling techniques you may not have considered.

Do you have a question not answered here?

I’m sorry we couldn’t answer all your questions, please email me directly at and I’d be more than happy to help!