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Drop in Cost Per Purchase


Increase in Sales




This client sells the most beautiful and practical lunch boxes, they last years and she loves to share her nutritional expertise along the way.

The Problem

As a busy business owner and mum, this client was struggling with the juggle of too many things on her plate. She was running the ads herself, but as life and business got busy the ads would stagnate and weren’t performing as well as they could have. They weren’t profitable she but knew they had so much potential.

The Solution

This is where we came in, we were able to offer a team to manage her ads, and now all she had to do was send us new photos and forward testimonials. A huge weight off her shoulders, and we were able to start heavily testing her audiences and creative using our structure and strategy.

Immediately we started to see results across the board, this account just needed so much love and care to get the results she needed, and we were finally able to do that.

The Results

The initial progress took a few weeks, but we started seeing results almost immediately. Within a month we had dropped her cost per purchase from a whopping $65-75 to averaging around the $30 mark. This has made a massive impact on her profitability and her sales. Going from $2k ish in sales to nearly $7k in sales off of the same spend makes a massive difference.

We’re having a great time making new creative as this client has the best product photography and video and working on keeping the good results rolling!

What the client has to say:

As a business owner who managed Facebook ads for years, I was initially hesitant to hand over the reins. However, as my business grew, it became clear that I needed expert help to take our advertising to the next level. That’s when I turned to Dahna and her team at Bright Red Marketing, and I’m so glad I did.

From the start, they invested time in truly understanding my business, our existing marketing strategy, and the aesthetics I prefer. This personalised approach made it clear that Bright Red Marketing was the right choice for outsourcing our ads.

I’ve been absolutely blown away by their dedication and creativity. Not only have they enhanced our existing content, but they’ve also developed fresh, compelling material that has revitalised our ad campaigns. Their commitment to regularly refreshing our ads with new content and strategy is something I could never have achieved on my own.

The most impressive result has been the significant boost in our ROAS. After struggling with a slump and running out of ideas, Dahna and her team turned things around within weeks, exceeding my expectations. My Facebook ad strategy is now more effective and impactful than ever, thanks to Bright Red Marketing.

Want to see what we can do for your business? Book in a free strategy session today!

Dahna Borg

Author Dahna Borg

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