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Welcome back to another exciting episode featuring Ami Williamson from Damn Write! In this episode, we’re diving deep into the fascinating world of AI and language models. We’ll uncover the incredible capabilities and limitations of Chat GPT, a language model trained on extensive internet data. Join us as we navigate this ever-evolving landscape and keep you informed about the latest developments in this thrilling field.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • The limitations of Chat GPT, including its memory constraints and potential for factual inaccuracies.
  • How businesses can leverage Chat GPT for content generation, strategy, and more.
  • How you can shape your brand’s identity and voice using Chat GPT.
  • The mastery of crafting effective prompts to get the desired AI-generated content.
  • About privacy and copyright considerations when using AI like Chat GPT.
  • To understand the importance of adding a human touch to AI-generated content.
  • How to differentiate your content in an AI-driven landscape.
  • The ethical use of AI and its role in enhancing human creativity.


[00:00:00] Ami Williamson: I think you’ll see content around the internet that points out the ways it’s failed. They’ll say, oh, look, Chat G P T wrote this and it’s terrible and I can do better as a human. And there’s issues with that, but also, Sometimes seeing something that’s wrong is easier to spot than starting with a blank page.

[00:00:16] Dahna: Hi, and welcome to the bright minds of e-commerce podcast. I’m Dahna founder of Bright Red Marketing, and after helping so many businesses in the e-commerce space over the years, I wanted to bring you the best advice Australian experts in e-commerce and e-commerce store owners had to offer. If you want relatable stories and actionable advice and the latest Facebook advertising strategies, you’re in the right place. so let’s get into today’s episode

[00:00:38] Dahna Borg: On today’s episode, we’re joined once again by Ami Williamson from Damn Wright. Welcome, Ami.

[00:00:42] Ami Williamson: Hi, it’s nice to be back.

[00:00:44] Dahna Borg: It’s so good to have you back. So we’re here to talk all things chat GPT.

[00:00:49] For those who are listening that dunno what it is or haven’t dabbled yet, what is chat GPT.

[00:00:55] Ami Williamson: So it’s what they call a large language model, which is a totally boring name, but basically it is trained on how language works. It’s trained on the entire internet up to a certain date. It works basically like a language prediction machine and all that sounds really nerdy and boring and not helpful at all, but what that means is, It is trained to predict what response you want from it, depending on the information that you feed it and the questions that you ask it.

[00:01:24] Chat GPT specifically is the actual chat interface. So it’s kind of like old school MSN messenger back in like the early two thousands chatting with your mates. There are some limitations to it, which we can get into if you want.

[00:01:35] Dahna Borg: Give us the rundown.

[00:01:36] Ami Williamson: Okay, so it is amazing.

[00:01:38] Obviously, otherwise I would not be here chatting about it. But it does have limitations in terms of memory, so it doesn’t really hold on to too much information at once. And it can forget, it can also be very confidently wrong, so it can spit out stuff that is just factually inaccurate. So you kind of need to know what you’re doing to assess the output.

[00:01:59] It also at the moment doesn’t. Easily have access to the internet in real time. Like it was trained up until I think 2021 maybe. And that means that anything you ask it that has happened since then, it doesn’t have any working knowledge of that.

[00:02:11] Dahna Borg: So we’re obviously talking about chat g p t today, but there are other AI. Models and things that are out there, are they all working similar just with different features? What’s sort of the difference between them?

[00:02:21] Ami Williamson: Yeah, so it’s a very quickly evolving space. Chat GPT seems to be the one that people are most. Familiar with, ’cause it’s kind of everywhere at the moment. I mean, that’s by Open AI. There are different language models that are being developed at the same time. There are different tools. So you’ve probably seen like Jasper,, Word Tune.

[00:02:39] There’s, there are so many. What I can gather with these is that a lot of them are already built on top of G P T four, which is what Chart G P T uses. And it’s often, it’s putting a really nice user interface on top of that tooL. And it’s also, I think copy do ai, they’ve trained in specific copywriting techniques.

[00:02:59] So it’s, instead of you just going to chat G p T and having to give it all of that intel, which you can do quite easily, it’s kind of like a shortcut.

[00:03:07] Dahna Borg: Fantastic. So what can a business use chat G p T for? I think that’s what we are here for. Everyone’s talking about how much it can save people time, but what does that look like?

[00:03:17] Ami Williamson: Yeah, why should you care? Exactly haha.

[00:03:20] Dahna Borg: What’s in it for everyone listening? Haha

[00:03:23] Ami Williamson: Ah, so many things, and this is what gets me really excited as a small business owner. Like the obvious thing is you can use it to generate copy and content, which we need so much of when running a small business. And I’ll get to that in a moment, but I also wanted to cover, because I think those are the obvious things that people use it for, like generate a certain amount of headlines for this article or whatever, but you can take a step back and use it for the strategy that goes behind those things. So the brand strategy, the ideation the messaging, like the research and analysis, like your customer research, your competitor analysis, like all of those things that.

[00:03:57] Sit behind the copy and content you wanna put out into the world and kind of sit behind everything you do in your business. You can actually use something like chat g p t to help you work through those and refine those for me, that’s the part that I get even more excited about. And as you’re chatting back and forth with it, you can actually use it to drill down further.

[00:04:18] It may give you some output and it shows you where the holes are in your thinking and your reasoning and it can help you actually make connections that you wouldn’t have made before. So it’s really powerful. To use in that way. The copying content, obviously, like as a copywriter as I mentioned, you think about an e-commerce business.

[00:04:34] You’ve got your website, you’ve got your product descriptions, you’ve got your automated emails, you’ve got your campaign emails, you’ve got all the social content. And that’s where it can also help. So if you train it up on what your brand is like, what your brand’s values are, or its personality or what it does or your audience, like what are they interested in?

[00:04:55] Then you can actually ask it to generate ideas for content, for specific content. So say you want Instagram stuff, you can ask it to generate content topics. You could ask it to outline those topics, and then you could even ask it to generate the content itself. It’s. It’s mind blowing.

[00:05:12] Dahna Borg: It is possibly my favorite thing to come out of technology in a while. I’m a, I can’t stare at a blank screen kind of person, so to be like, I need to write a blog post, and I’m just staring at the little thing flashing and I just, I can’t do it. Whereas now I go chat gpt, I need this, do this. Give me an outline.

[00:05:28] And then you can just like tear it apart, put it back together and it’s fantastic. So I’m a big fan of using it for that idea generation.

[00:05:37] Ami Williamson: I think you’ll see content around the internet that points out the ways it’s failed. They’ll say, oh, look, chat G P T wrote this and it’s terrible and I can do better as a human. And there’s issues with that, but also, Sometimes seeing something that’s wrong is easier to spot than starting with a blank page.

[00:05:53] Like you look at it and you go, okay, that’s actually not what I believe, or my opinion on that thing, that topic, and it’s easier for me to then riff off of that than to just sit down and go, okay, what are all of my thoughts about, yeah, What do I think? I think it’s time for another coffee break.

[00:06:09] Dahna Borg: Yeah, no, I’m with you there. So let’s just go through a couple of those if you want to use it for idea generation. What are some of the best ways to do that?

[00:06:19] Ami Williamson: So I’m not a content strategist specifically, but obviously I’m a small business owner that exists on the internet and has to generate content. For me, it’s going back to the actual brand. So if we look at the brands, mission, it’s values, it’s vision, it’s personality what’s to actually sell. And then everything related to that, what problem is it solving?

[00:06:39] What what things are its audience interested in already that we can riff off of. The more of that that you can feed into chat, g p t, the better ideas it can give you. If you go in there today, it is trained on the entire internet. If you go in there today and just literally pop in, generate 20. Content ideas or content themes for me, it’s going to give you something super generic because you haven’t actually asked for anything specific.

[00:07:04] Dahna Borg: Yeah, it’s one of those things. What do they say that you get, the answer you get is as good as the question. Question that you ask.

[00:07:10] Ami Williamson: Absolutely, that’s it. It’s literally, it comes down to the questions you’re asking it and the context that you give it, the specifics that you give it.

[00:07:18] Dahna Borg: I’ve seen so many articles and TikTok videos on how to write a good prompt. But do you have any keys on how to write a good prompt? Because that’s the, that’s the good one. I tried one that someone on the internet gave me the other day, and the response was, Terrible. But I think that’s the thing though.

[00:07:32] It’s trial and error, but do you have any tips on how to make a good.

[00:07:36] Ami Williamson: Absolutely. So first up, two things before I get into like the specifics of how to write a good prompt. The first thing is that you can re-prompt it. So I feel like getting caught up on it needs to be the perfect prompt from the very start. Can really hold people back. Just get in there and you can always correct it as you go.

[00:07:54] And you can say, actually I don’t want that voice to sound this way. I want it to sound this way. Actually avoid using this word, like all those sorts of things. So don’t get too caught up. And also you can use it to create the prompts. I don’t know if many people know this hack, but you can actually ask it.

[00:08:08] You can say help me craft a prompt to get a certain output from it. Like whatever end goal you’ve got in mind, if you can be specific with that, and then you can actually say to it, I want you to ask me questions. To clarify and basically drill down until we get to that one good prompt that you can then feed back into it.

[00:08:30] Another hack is that if you get something really good out of it you can actually ask it, what prompts should I use in the future to get the same output? So if you’ve had to go back and forth with it a little bit, Actually ask it at the end, what prompt in future would get that same output without the back and forth, and it can just give you that, which is, which is

[00:08:48] Dahna Borg: so clever you get like 20 questions in and you’re like, oh, finally we got the good answer. But that’s, that’s a, that’s a tip and a half. That one. Yeah,

[00:08:56] Ami Williamson: It can. And as much as I think it can be a time saving tool, it can also be an absolute time suck, like a fun one. But there is a rabbit hole that you can fall down very easily.

[00:09:06] Dahna Borg: 100%.

[00:09:07] Ami Williamson: The specifics with the prompts, sorry. It’s all about those details, the context, the specifics. Once again, it’s that jack of all trades.

[00:09:14] It’s trained on everything and unless you can really point it in the right direction, and one of the hacks is to basically tell it how to act. So you’ll say, act as a content strategist, act as a copywriter, act as a brand strategist. And that kind of helps just point it in the right direction of what knowledge it should be using to base its response on basically in terms of copywriting, it’s like, If you can tell it the target audience, the format. So is it an email, is it a website page, the length what call to action that you want it to end with what the main points you want covered. So often , if you don’t tell it the opinions that you want or the key points that you want covered, it will happily bring up its own opinions.

[00:09:57] And the other big one is obviously voice. If you can get super specific with your brand voice, that’s when it’s truly magical.

[00:10:04] Dahna Borg: Wonderful. Do you have any tips on how to actually get that brand voice, teach it? That said, it hasn’t got the best memory, but is there a way around that?

[00:10:13] Ami Williamson: Absolutely. So yeah, it will default to that basic, generic bland voice if you don’t point it in the right direction. as a copywriter, if a brand came to me, And said, I have a bold voice. I could generally glean what that might mean. But at the end of the day, bold is actually a super vague overarching term and it can look so different from brand to brand or, you know, fun.

[00:10:35] So if you look at go-to skincare versus who gives a crap versus. Koala mattresses, all three brands have a fun tone to their voice, and yet they all sound extremely difficult. They’re difficult, different yeah, the difficulties actually in, even as a human being able to properly analyze and define that voice and then replicate it.

[00:10:58] Like if you give any copywriter the my brand has a fun voice. You’re not gonna get something consistent back. And it’s the same as chat g p T. So what I mean by that is you actually wanna drill down into the specifics. If you use a lot of question marks, do you have long flow on sentences?

[00:11:16] Is there a mix or is it all very short and punchy? So that cadence or flow? The punctuation, the pop culture references, like emojis, like all that sort of stuff that. It’s easy to have living inside your head, but if you can get specific about that stuff and then feed it to any sort of writer, whether it’s AI or human, or even for yourself, that’s when you can start to be more consistent with it.

[00:11:39] I know when I’m in there and I’m asking it to do stuff in a certain voice and I see where it’s going wrong, I can start to work out the kinks of it. I can start to go, okay, so it thinks this is a bold voice. What other words could I use in there? Could I use a reverent?

[00:11:52] Could I use sassy? Just play with the different tones, and that’s where the magic comes in. Whereas it’s not a human copywriter where you’ve just. Given them these three overarching tone words and you’ve got your copy back and you’re like, oh God, it’s all wrong. What do I do? I don’t wanna hurt their feelings.

[00:12:07] They’re gonna be so annoyed at me. And to be fair, they probably won’t. Maybe I should say maybe. But the difference is you can go back to chat g p t and you can rework it in real time.

[00:12:17] Dahna Borg: Amazing. You don’t have to send off the brief, wait for them to work on it for two weeks, come back and be like, I did not explain that very well.

[00:12:25] Ami Williamson: Exactly. Like for me I just write in my brand voice. I don’t actually have a style guide for my own. It’s kind of like the cobbler shoes. But all I did was. Copy and paste some of the content that I really liked, the tone of that I’d written and asked it to analyze it, and then asked it to use that voice.

[00:12:41] And for me it brought up things that I didn’t know were there. Like were probably subconsciously in there. They were there. So that’s another hack that if you’ve got content that you like the sound of, pop it in there and ask it to analyze and define the brand voice used.

[00:12:55] Dahna Borg: So once you sort of have some wording around the brand voice, do you just paste that into chat G p t and say, use this brand voice? Is it that simple?

[00:13:03] Ami Williamson: Yeah, so when you go in, there’s like little different chat windows and it has a memory within that chat window. So the one where I first got it to analyze my brand voice, I said to it, remember, this is the damn right voice. And so now in future, if I say Give me X, y, z in the damn right voice, it can replicate it.

[00:13:22] The only issue is that memory thing. So eventually it will forget and you’ll see when it starts to go off track. And so you can also either ask it how to re-prompt it for that. So ask it to give you a concise prompt to get that voice in future. And it’s just copy paste. So even if you start a new chat window, once again, you can just copy paste and it knows what it’s doing.

[00:13:43] Dahna Borg: I definitely need to play with it more. I’ve used it a lot for just that, staring at blank screens, needing headlines on mass to kind of not be staring at a blank screen. But the brand voice part I think is really important and I think probably a piece that a lot of people are missing when they’re playing with it.

[00:13:57] So you get back the results, what do you do with them to then make them publish worthy?

[00:14:03] Ami Williamson: Okay, so for me it’s very rarely would it be copy and paste and it’s ready to go. So obviously factually you wanna check it’s factually accurate. It’s not making any errors there. Also that it’s not plagiarized from another site. I haven’t seen any examples of this yet. But considering it’s trained on the internet, you can see that there’s a potential for it to just rip a sentence or a paragraph off from somewhere else.

[00:14:27] We would hate that. So there are plagiarism checking tools that you can use to check for that. Then I’ll also often just do a final voice sweep. This might just be, ’cause I’m a copywriter and I’m a control freak, but I’ll just add in little bits that I would naturally say, so I’ll read it through literally out loud and go, okay.

[00:14:44] I would actually start that sentence with an and or a but or a, because those contraptions, just to make it that little bit more conversational, there’s probably a way I can just train, chat gt to do that for me. But I don’t know if it’s like this mindset thing where I’m like, no, but I created it.

[00:14:57] Dahna Borg: I want that final little bit of control to be like, no, I did this. They helped, but I want that. Like this is still something that I’ve contributed to.

[00:15:06] Ami Williamson: exactly. So that’s what I’ll do.

[00:15:08] Dahna Borg: Lovely. So other than proofing it, running it through a plagiarism checker and obviously checking its fact, there’s nothing else that you do at the end to just like polish it a little bit.

[00:15:19] Ami Williamson: Not really. I’ve noticed when I ask her to generate like Instagram captions, or I’ll even just say content and it just assumes Instagram at this point. It gets very emoji happy very quickly. And once again, I probably should just go in there and be like, Hey, chill on the emojis, or here are the specific emojis I use.

[00:15:35] But it’s one of those things where I’m like, I just haven’t had time to do that. So I’ll go in and be like, no, not that emoji. Remove these emojis, put in these ones. It really is just those little tweaks to the voice for me.

[00:15:45] Dahna Borg: Fantastic. Your prompts must be better than mine ’cause I have to do major.

[00:15:51] Ami Williamson: Oh that still happens.

[00:15:52] Dahna Borg: Maybe I won’t need to do that after this, I’ll have better prompts.

[00:15:56] Dahna: What help with your facebook and instagram ads remember you can always book in a Free Strategy Session at forward slash free dash strategy dash session we’ll run through all of your ads see what’s working and what’s not and no sales pitch i promise. So. Let’s get back to today’s episode.

[00:16:13] Dahna Borg: Is there anything that you don’t think you should use chat GPT for?

[00:16:17] Ami Williamson: Okay. So the two main considerations at the moment are copyright. Which the law is going to take a while to catch up. I believe we’re gonna see it with image-based and music-based first, which is becoming a thing now. It kind of comes down to like my own ethical viewpoint on writing. I don’t really see it the same as ripping off an artist’s work or a photographer’s work and mimicking that. I don’t think writing is the same. And same with music. Like I guess if I went in there and I asked it to constantly replicate a brand voice that’s not my own, and I used it starts to get a bit murky. I’m not entirely sure where, unless you’re literally.

[00:16:56] Plagiarizing someone else’s stuff. That’s not chat GPT’s fault if you’re choosing to plagiarize someone else’s literal content like copy and paste. So that’s the copyright side of things, and I don’t even know how long it’s gonna take for the law to catch

[00:17:09] Dahna Borg: I imagine a very long time, like they’re still catching up on other technology that we’ve had for decades.

[00:17:16] Ami Williamson: on the internet as a whole.

[00:17:18] Dahna Borg: Yeah, they still haven’t caught up with internet stuff. I don’t think people even understand it enough. I mean, we’ve all seen politicians being interviewed about tech and they have no idea.

[00:17:28] So I think it’s gonna be a long time before that sort of stuff.

[00:17:33] Ami Williamson: It is. And when you look at a global scale, how’s that gonna come in? The other thing is privacy. So I wouldn’t be putting any data that you wanna keep private in there. That said, they introduced a feature. So basically Italy turned around and said, no chat, g p t, it doesn’t meet our privacy regulations.

[00:17:50] We will be banning in our country within 30 days unless they comply with this in response. OpenAI have given you the option to turn on privacy settings, but the catch is that it doesn’t remember your conversations. So when I talk about building up that memory and training it, it’s a double-edged sword.

[00:18:07] They also hinted that they’re looking at bringing out a business subscription that would also tackle this. So for me personally, I’ll be looking at that when it comes out. Hopefully it’s in, at an affordable price point for small business owners. To glean what they’re saying, like reading between the lines.

[00:18:23] It would be a subscription where you could then use it, it’s gonna have that memory feature, hopefully, but also not use your data to train future models. ’cause that’s where the privacy thing comes in, it’s a training model at the moment, particularly the free version.

[00:18:36] Dahna Borg: I think that’s

[00:18:37] Ami Williamson: you just wanna

[00:18:37] Dahna Borg: of the dramas with the, the music and the art wanna coming in. ’cause they’re training it off other people’s art, which as you said is kind of different to words. ’cause it’s different, but it, it’s, yeah. So I think it’s just gonna be messy for a little while.

[00:18:53] Ami Williamson: It’s, and I think the Adobe one I haven’t played around with any of the image ones yet, but I remember seeing something about the Adobe one not being trained on. It’s only stuff that they have the license to. So it’s stock stuff that they’ve got license to use and therefore like that kind of helps overcome the ethical issue with the image stuff.

[00:19:10] Dahna Borg: Yeah. Amazing. Just a weird question, do you say please and thank you to the AI bots?

[00:19:14] Ami Williamson: Sometimes it depends on my mood, just like in real life. I’ve seen some hot takes on Twitter about this, about how, you know, we’ll need to get to the point where just to be uber productive, we just drop all the niceties and we treat it like the robot that it is. For me it’s like if I would naturally put in a please, a thank you, a can you, can you give me, then I’m gonna do that.

[00:19:36] I’m not gonna take the pause for a second to be like, oh no, it’s a robot. Let’s delete that. Let’s not be nice to it. So if it naturally comes in there, I leave it in there. I’m not entirely sure if it does. Impact the output. Like if you’re really nice to it, is it gonna give you better stuff?

[00:19:52] Dahna Borg: I’m a weirder who says thank you to my Google Home. So,

[00:19:55] Ami Williamson: Yeah. You think of all the people that like yell at Alexa and stuff.

[00:19:59] Dahna Borg: yeah. So it’s funny.

[00:20:03] Ami Williamson: But it’s also like, yeah, I don’t think it hurts at all. I don’t think we need to be focusing on, productivity at all costs. You can say please and thank you if you want to.

[00:20:13] Dahna Borg: I’ve got a friend who says, please and thank you in case there’s an AI uprising, and then at least the AI knows that she was polite and kind.

[00:20:21] Ami Williamson: That is also one of the big things.

[00:20:23] Dahna Borg: yeah, I’ll say please and thank you. Then the AI knows I’m a nice person.

[00:20:27] Ami Williamson: They’ll come for you last.

[00:20:30] Dahna Borg: You said Thank you. I appreciate you.

[00:20:33] Ami Williamson: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:20:35] Dahna Borg: Wonderful. We covered a lot but is there anything that you think we’ve missed

[00:20:38] Ami Williamson: my one thing would be that, as I see it, with the rise in ai, where it is now, and this is only the beginning. We’re early stages, it’s only gonna get better at what it does. We’re about to see even more content on the internet and in general in life. And it’s gonna be quite predictable stuff.

[00:20:55] It’s gonna be quite, generic, bland, boring. And so how do we differentiate brands going forward? To be less predictable, to make connections that aren’t logical, that don’t make sense, take inspiration from unexpected sources. One example of that is like, I love this one.

[00:21:09] It’s a little bit morbid, but you know, the Nike tagline, just do it. That’s actually a quote that they got from the last words of a convicted murderer. Before they were put to death. And that was, that’s literally the inspiration for Nike’s tagline, which I don’t, yeah. How would AI ever, ever come up with that?

[00:21:28] Unless you specifically asked it to, to mine the last words of convicted murderers. So for me it’s like, what can we do that’s a little less predictable so that we can still stand out amongst the sea of content?

[00:21:41] Dahna Borg: I think that’s such a good point. I saw an article yesterday where some dude bought one of the really high-end AI copywriting generating programs. I think it’s like 2,500 for a month or something. And he published 700 articles in the month to like, Make his ss e o go up, like he did all the research for him, like the AI was that clever.

[00:22:03] And his rankings went up hugely. But like your point being, if everyone did that in a month and all of a sudden Google had an additional 700 articles from everyone and it’s all written by AI and it’s all the same generic stuff, like no one’s gonna stand out anymore. So I think that’s a really good point that, yeah, it’s cool.

[00:22:21] You can write an article, but what’s gonna make your article different to everyone else’s.

[00:22:25] Ami Williamson: That’s exactly it. And like Google specifically I mean with SS e o I always tell clients I’m not an S S E O expert at all. But at the end of the day, Google’s algorithm is trying to figure out what people, like actual humans wanna read. And so that’s what we need to keep in mind, that we’re long past the days of keyword stuffing and like hiding keywords in the bottom of the page in a like in different colored font.

[00:22:49] It’s at the end of the day, what do people want. As well as, making less predictable content making those unexpected choices when you can. It can be as simple as bringing it back to what do people actually value, what do they wanna read and engage with above anything else.

[00:23:04] Dahna Borg: Yeah, a hundred percent. I think we are gonna see a lot of people putting out a lot of trash, and the ones that do it really well, have a good brand voice, do something different. I think they’re gonna be the ones that see the success. ’cause you’re right, it’s gonna be too much

[00:23:21] Ami Williamson: Absolutely. too much.

[00:23:22] Dahna Borg: Fascinating. Well, this has been a very insightful chat. Like I use chat g p t I think it’s fantastic. And I’ve learned a lot. So I hope that our listeners also have learned a lot and we’ll, if they have not already dabbled, we’ll go dabble and if they have dabbled and use it a lot can get a little bit better quality content out of it.

[00:23:40] Ami Williamson: I hope so too.

[00:23:42] Dahna Borg: If anyone wants to reach out have a chat. Learn more about G p t. What are the best ways people can reach you?

[00:23:49] Ami Williamson: So my actual business name is Danm Write ( d a m n w r i t e ). Instagram, or my actual website, which is Both of those spots, you can actually find my free guide to using chat, g p t, which is called ‘Chat GPT Unleashed’. And it does cover like in more depth a lot of what we’ve gone over today.

[00:24:09] So if you are feeling overwhelmed by it or you’re just curious and wanna jump in grab that, have a look and have fun.

[00:24:16] Dahna Borg: Amazing. We’ll put the link to that one in the show notes so it’s nice and easy for people to find if they wanna find that. But thank you so much for joining us. It’s been amazing to have you back and amazing to chat. All things chat, g p t.

[00:24:28] Dahna: Thanks for listening to the bright minds of e-commerce podcast. As always you’ll find the show notes at forward slash episode 48. Thanks for listening.

Dahna Borg

Author Dahna Borg

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