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I was recently at a Marketing Conference, and the speaker asked a room of about 150 who had a marketing plan…

4 People put their hand up… 4! You may think I’m biased as a marketer, however, it really is vital for every business to have a marketing plan.

Now if you don’t have a marketing plan, it’s ok, you are not the only one. But you need to make it a significant priority.

Sometimes the thought of creating a marketing plan can be daunting, however, I personally don’t believe in 100-page documents that sit on a shelf collecting dust. Just a 2-3 page plan is more than enough for most small businesses, and this is achievable by anyone. But those pages are absolutely vital! If you don’t know where you are going or how you are going to get there… well as the Cheshire Cat says:

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there!”

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So the three reasons why you need a marketing plan… today!

  1. If you don’t know where you are going, you will get there – If you have a plan, and a goal – you are significantly more likely to achieve it! No more complaining about your plateau-ing business when you don’t have a plan on how to improve it.
  2. Your marketing plan is your protection against your competition. In tough times marketing is, unfortunately, one of the first things to go, where it should be one of the last. Your marketing plan will ensure you are the first one your customers think of, and your competitors won’t be able to steal away your customers so easily.
  3. Finally, a marketing plan will keep your advertising and branding focused, I know this is a rehash of point number one, but it really is important – it will ensure that your advertising is consistent, that you aren’t floundering, and wasting your precious time and advertising dollars! We all know that advertising and marketing aren’t cheap, which is why it is so important to have a plan!

If you haven’t got a marketing plan, we would be more than happy to help get you started. Contact us today and let’s get started on yours! 

Photo Credit: haydnseek via Compfightcc

Dahna Borg

Author Dahna Borg

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