It’s a dreaded word, people are afraid of it, and if you feel the same way too, you’re not alone.
But I have to tell you, it can be and is an absolute game-changer.
I know what it’s like, you have a brilliant idea for a business, a passion for delivering something amazing to an audience, and you go about creating your product or service.
At what point did you check what your ideal client actually wants or needs or how they feel about a problem? Now, like every rule – there are always exceptions, but you’ve got to live like you are the rule – until you can prove otherwise.
Without knowing the inner workings of your ideal client, your business is bound to suffer – I’m not going to say your business will fail if you don’t, but knowing this stuff will, without fail, increase your chances of success.
And in today’s day and age, you really don’t have an excuse. With the emergence of thousands of Facebook groups – you’ve got a data minefield waiting to be explored.
So here is what I want you to do.
1. Create a TypeForm Account
Go and create a TypeForm account – they have a free one that works perfectly. We will come back to this in a moment.
2. Find Facebook Groups
Find a couple of Facebook groups that match your ideal client, or could be where your ideal client hangs out, and request access.
**Keep in mind the group rules, some groups are for sharing expertise only, others allow you to do whatever you want. Be courteous to the person who is running the group and obey their rules
3. Write Your Questions
While you’re waiting to be accepted to these groups, start working on your questions.
We want feeling questions ie. How would you ‘feel’ if this problem was gone? What frustrations are you currently having? Make them specific to your industry and the service you offer.
It’s okay to ask logical questions like, what program do you currently use, or what is your biggest goal right now. But the feeling questions will give you marketing gold!
Keep it short and sweet – no more than 5-6 questions.
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4. Add these questions into TypeForm
It’s a beautifully simple tool to use – but just in case, here is a quick how-to video.
5. Start Sharing
Once you’ve finished your form, hopefully, you’ve been accepted into a few groups and you can start sharing. I like to use a link to keep it short and sweet.
I like to share it in a couple of different groups, on my personal page, and on Linked In as these are the places where I am most active – I’ve also emailed it out to my database from time to time.
Write a short message asking for a favor, express your gratitude, and you MUST describe who you are looking for to fill out the survey. If you want new mum’s who love coffee – ask for those people to fill out your survey, if you want ex-athletes, specify. This will ensure you get accurate and useful data.
6. Analyze the results and use them to improve your marketing.
This is where the feeling questions and the marketing gold really come into play. The answers you receive will form the basis of everything you do.
Let me repeat that, the answers you receive will form the basis of everything you do.
Yes, it’s that important.
You can use the responses to develop new product offerings, improve your copy, and remove products/services that no longer resonate with your clients.
Using the responses to improve your copy is one of the most valuable things you can do for your marketing. One of the ultimate goals of marketing is to make your potential clients feel understood – the best way to do this, use their own language!!
Good luck! And I’d love to hear how you go.