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Retargeting is vital for closing sales. And it‘s important because it’s effective.

We’d like to think every person coming into contact with our business follows an easy path to purchase. They visit our site. They fill out a form to download an ebook. Our sales representative reaches out. The lead then becomes a customer.

But the customer’s journey isn’t that simple. The reality is, people, jump onto our website, then leave. Our website might have directed them to our social media so they’ll like and follow us. A few months later, they’ll come across our blog through their Facebook feed which directs them to download an ebook and perhaps read another blog. Maybe a week later, they’ll contact sales with a few more discussions and emails before a purchase is made. It’s an involved process. Ideally, we want to cut back on the process being so complicated and drawn out. This is where retargeting comes into play.

I recently completed competitor research for a client where I found after visiting 10 different websites – even going so far as to check out multiple products – only 2 of them showed up with retargeting ads. Not everyone who visits your site the first time is going to buy something. They may just be looking or digitally window shopping. But if you run an eCommerce store and you’re not running retargeting ads, you are losing out to your competitors who are. 

Retargeting is also known as remarketing uses banner ads to follow around people who have visited your website, or who are already a lead or customer. The benefits of retargeting allow you to win back website visitors who didn’t convert the first time, to re-attract traffic back to your site. It’s as an incredibly precise type of online advertising that serves as a digital reminder, using cookie-based technology to follow and stay in front of previous site visitors.

Retargeting has some great benefits

  • as a great way to raise brand awareness, so your website visitors continue seeing you
  • identifies website visitors without leaving their email
  • allows you to focus on your advertising spend on clients you already know have some interest in your products to generates more qualified leads for a much better return on investment.
  • includes some incredibly sophisticated options that filters, modifies, and personalizes each ad depending on your visitors’ surfing behaviour to increase the efficiency of your ads
  • allows you to reinforce entire advertising efforts within your overall marketing strategy alongside your Facebook pixel, custom audiences from your CRM database, Adwords, content marketing, and targeted display

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Tips when making retargeting ads

  • Dynamic ads are the best. They’ll show the exact product your potential customer was looking at, as well as products others have looked at most
  • Keep an eye on Frequency. You don’t want your ad showing much higher than 20 to the same person in a given week
  • Adjust budget and time frames to keep that frequency around the 10-15 mark
  • If you’ve got a lot of store traffic, consider time-based retargeting, so different ads for Day 1, Days 2-5, Days 6-14, and Days 14+ will enhance the user experience

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Dahna Borg

Author Dahna Borg

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